In times of recession, job hunting becomes a challenging journey. it is important to secure interview calls.

Start with a good resume. Highlight your skills, experience, and achievements concisely. Tailor it to each job application.

Start with a good resume. Highlight your skills, experience, and achievements concisely. Tailor it to each job application.

Expand your professional network. Attend virtual events, webinars, and connect with industry professionals on LinkedIn. Personal connections can open doors to opportunities

Use the recession period wisely by enhancing your skills. Online courses, certifications, and workshops can make you stand out. Showcase your commitment to learning on your resume and LinkedIn.

Tailor your job applications to roles that align with your skills and interests. A focused approach increases the chances of catching the recruiter's eye.

Consider partnering with recruitment agencies. They have insights into the job market and can connect you with relevant opportunities.

Keep yourself updated on industry trends and job market changes. Adapt your job search strategy accordingly to stay ahead in a competitive job market.

As more interviews shift online, master virtual interviews. Practice with a friend or use online resources to refine your presentation and communication skills.

Finally, persistence pays off. Stay positive, learn from each application, and adapt your approach. Your resilience will be noticed by employers.