Not getting a job after engineering then what should i do ?

Graduating from engineering is not easy it takes a lot of effort to get admission in engineering after that we study hard to maintain a CGPA, Sometimes we got the failure in semester exams putting effort into completing assignments and tackling the submission task is not easy to qualify for semester exams then we are dreaming to getting an engineering degree and doing a dream job but after engineering our struggle are increases that we ever think. Then we started thinking why I am Not getting a job after engineering then what should i do? but don’t worry It’s a situation many of us face, and it can be disheartening. remember, this is not the end of the road it is the new chapter of your life after the engineering with unexplored opportunities. In this article, we will discuss why fresher engineers Not getting a job after engineering then what should i do? I know this is your question but don’t worry below I shared a step-by-step guide that freshers engineers shouldn’t miss.

Not getting a job after engineering then what should I do ?

1. Reflect and Enhance Skills:

After graduation, take a moment to reflect on your skills. Identify areas that need improvement and explore new skills in demand, such as AI, machine learning, or blockchain. You can learn these skills from platforms like Coursera, and Khan Academy, and also free courses are available on YouTube offer accessible courses to upskill. Remember skillset is always greater than any degree. When I faced a job market slump early in my career, I used the time to master programming languages like Python and Java that I hadn’t explored during my college days. After learning these skills my career started growing.

2. Networking:

Build and leverage your network by attending tech meetups, webinars, and conferences. Connect with professionals on LinkedIn and try to get referrals for the job, share your internship experiences with professionals then definitely it will help you to land your first job, and seek advice. Networking can lead to unexpected job opportunities and valuable mentorships. Take it very seriously it is a crucial part of building your career. I attribute much of my success to mentors I found through networking. They not only guided me but also opened doors to new possibilities.

3. Freelancing and Internships:

While waiting for a full-time job, consider freelancing or taking up internships. Practical experience not only enhances your resume but also helps you apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems. Direct getting a full-time job is not possible so that’s why I first focus on getting an internship and freelancing project. I took on freelance projects during my initial job search, and the exposure to different industries polished my problem-solving skills. It even led to a full-time position in a field that I hadn’t initially considered.

4. Entrepreneurial Ventures:

If in your case traditional job path seems unclear, explore entrepreneurial ventures. Identify problems in your community or industry and brainstorm solutions. Entrepreneurship isn’t just about starting a company, it is a mindset that Focuses on creativity and innovation which helps people. Starting a side project during a job search can be a great move. It has not only filled the employment gap but also taught me valuable lessons in leadership and innovation.

5. Explore Remote Opportunities:

In today’s digital age, Try to explore remote job opportunities. Many companies offer remote positions, and this flexibility can open up a broader range of job possibilities. You can search for job opportunities on the job search portal and websites like, Indeed, and Glassdoor.

6. Online Portfolio and Personal Branding:

Create an online portfolio showcasing your projects, skills, and achievements. Establishing a strong personal brand through platforms like LinkedIn can make you more visible to potential employers. You can upload your project on platforms like Git Hub and Bit Bucket and then add this project link to your resume. After that, your interview call frequency will increase.

7. Attend Job Fairs and Workshops:

Try to attend Local job fairs and industry-specific workshops it is a great place to connect with potential employers. Dress professionally, bring your resume, and make a memorable impression. It will help you a lot to find a new job after engineering.

8. Volunteer Work:

Must try volunteering in your field of interest. Not only does this provide hands-on experience, but it also allows you to make valuable connections and demonstrate your commitment to the industry. This is not for every engineering graduate but if possible then must try it.

9. Stay Positive and Persistent:

Remember Job searches can be challenging, but maintaining a positive attitude and persistence are key. Celebrate small victories, learn from setbacks, and keep adapting your strategy. try to learn new skills according to the current job market. and always remember not everything happens in your favor good things always take time.

10. Courses & Certification:

If time allows you, then you can start pursuing advanced education or certifications. This not only adds to your qualifications but also demonstrates a proactive approach to your professional development. At the fresher level certification can help a lot to stand out in the crowd. if you have some certification related to job search then must add this to your resume and LinkedIn profile.

what after engineering? step by step guide to succeed in 2024


Facing a job market challenge after engineering graduation is common, and it is essential to approach it with resilience and creativity. Reflect on your skills, network actively, gain practical experience through freelancing or internships, if possible start entrepreneurial ventures, explore remote opportunities, showcase your work online, pursue further education, attend job fairs and workshops, volunteer, and above all, stay positive and persistent. Remember, the journey after engineering is full of twists and turns, and sometimes, the most fulfilling paths are the unexpected ones. So keep going and keep learning.

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